Site Terms and Conditions of Use

GU Health (ABN 83 000 124 381) owns and operates this Website for its members and customers. By entering this Website, including any linked pages or information owned by nib, ("Website") you accept the terms and conditions set out in the Website ("Agreement"). This agreement will be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and by using this Website you submit to that jurisdiction.

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Copyright Licence

This Website and its design, text, graphics, software and all material appearing on the Website are Copyright © nib health funds limited 2025. Certain third party copyright materials will be included on the Website from time to time. You are granted a limited revocable licence to download the materials contained in this Website solely for non-commercial, personal use, including for the purpose of transacting business with GU Health. If you are an Internet service provider, you may supply the materials contained in this Website to your subscriber. Any other use of any of the materials of this Website including without limitation the reproduction (for any purposes other than those noted above), modification, adaptation, transmission or communication of such materials without the prior written permission of GU Health is strictly prohibited. The trade marks illustrated on the Website owned by GU Health or certain third parties must not be used in any way without the prior written permission of GU Health or the third party owner of the trade mark, as applicable.

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GU Health does not represent or warrant that this Website will be free of defects, including but not limited to viruses or other harmful effects. To the full extent permitted by law, GU Health will not be liable for any loss, claims, damages, costs (including legal costs) or expenses arising out of the use or inability to use the Website including but not limited to all special, indirect or consequential loss or damage or loss of profit. To the extent that such liability cannot be excluded, GU Health's liability will be limited to replacement of the goods or services or payment of the amount paid by you to us. GU Health tries to ensure that the information and/or facilities accessible via this Website are accurate, complete and current but do not warrant that the information is accurate, complete and current. GU Health does not guarantee the obligations or performance of its related bodies corporate.

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WARNING - Products and Services

GU Health is a business of nib health funds limited, a registered private health insurer and all GU Health insurance is subject to policy terms and GU Health Fund rules. Please refer to policy wording for full details of cover conditions, features and scope. Information in this Website has been prepared in accordance with the Australian law for insurance in Australia only.

Website contact details

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your dealings with the GU Health website, you can contact:

GU Health
GPO Box 2988
VIC 8060

Email: [email protected]

Ph: 1800 249 966 8:30am‑5:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, Monday‑Friday Australia‑wide.

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